Stock Name/CompanyiShares MSCI Brazil UCITS Dist
Stock TypeETF
Country of IssueUK
Ticker SymbolIDBZ (USD) - LSE

Consecutive Days Analysis for IDBZ.L

This is analysis over the past year of whether the share price of IDBZ.L is rising or falling between the closing price and the previous closing price and the liklihood of how many consecutive days it will rise/fall before breaking the run. Note the opening price may be lower than the previous closing price

Consecutive days rising

Number of rising days Percentage
1 52%
2 27%
3 6%
4 3%
5 6%
7 6%

Consecutive days falling

Number of falling days Percentage
1 46%
2 19%
3 12%
4 8%
5 12%
8 4%
This is the liklihood of the absolute increase in the share price
Swing Polarity Average cummulative swing
Positive (rising price) 0.20
Negative (falling price) -0.25
This is the average of the swing (rise or fall over consecutive days) before the run is broken
Probability information is derived from historic data. Past performance is not a guide to future performance, nor a reliable indicator of future results or performance. Gain/Loss based on adjusted close and previous adjusted close

IE00B0M63516 ETF holdings on 2025-02-13 (Thursday)

TickerNumber of Shares HeldValue of Shares HeldShare Price (delta previous report)Comment
NU HOLDINGS LTD CLASS A (New York Stock Exchange Inc. - NU)2,251,929 USD 31,054,101USD New holding detected
CIA VALE DO RIO DOCE SH (XBSP - VALE3)2,602,133 BRL 24,771,468BRL New holding detected
ITAU UNIBANCO HOLDING PREF SA (XBSP - ITUB4)3,704,049 BRL 21,769,997BRL New holding detected
PETROLEO BRASILEIRO PREF SA (XBSP - PETR4)3,425,655 BRL 21,590,163BRL New holding detected
PETROLEO BRASILEIRO SA PETROBRAS (XBSP - PETR3)2,844,418 BRL 19,461,963BRL New holding detected
WEG SA (XBSP - WEGE3)1,283,351 BRL 11,684,845BRL New holding detected
BANCO BRADESCO PREF SA (XBSP - BBDC4)4,063,853 BRL 8,377,624BRL New holding detected
B3 BRASIL BOLSA BALCAO SA (XBSP - B3SA3)4,145,345 BRL 8,034,897BRL New holding detected
ITAUSA INVESTIMENTOS ITAU PREF SA (XBSP - ITSA4)4,353,301 BRL 7,199,097BRL New holding detected
AMBEV SA (XBSP - ABEV3)3,609,718 BRL 6,877,682BRL New holding detected
COMPANHIA DE SANEAMENTO BASICO DE (XBSP - SBSP3)365,387 BRL 6,265,625BRL New holding detected
BANCO DO BRASIL SA (XBSP - BBAS3)1,312,976 BRL 6,254,111BRL New holding detected
CENTRAIS ELETR BRAS-ELETROBRAS (XBSP - ELET3)926,161 BRL 5,841,944BRL New holding detected
EMBRAER SA (XBSP - EMBR3)536,947 BRL 5,635,204BRL New holding detected
SUZANO SA (XBSP - SUZB3)532,143 BRL 5,469,360BRL New holding detected
BCO BTG PACTUAL UNT SA (XBSP - BPAC11)900,835 BRL 4,941,243BRL New holding detected
EQUATORIAL SA (XBSP - EQTL3)903,924 BRL 4,796,626BRL New holding detected
PETRO RIO SA (XBSP - PRIO3)613,285 BRL 4,138,727BRL New holding detected
XP CLASS A INC (NASDAQ - XP)283,757 USD 4,069,075USD New holding detected
LOCALIZA RENT A CAR SA (XBSP - RENT3)703,265 BRL 3,629,330BRL New holding detected
BB SEGURIDADE SA (XBSP - BBSE3)535,091 BRL 3,573,897BRL New holding detected
RAIA DROGASIL (XBSP - RADL3)984,683 BRL 3,333,651BRL New holding detected
JBS SA (XBSP - JBSS3)593,263 BRL 3,329,306BRL New holding detected
RUMO SA (XBSP - RAIL3)993,298 BRL 3,238,715BRL New holding detected
GERDAU PREF SA (XBSP - GGBR4)1,061,330 BRL 3,213,752BRL New holding detected
REDE DOR SAO LUIZ SA (XBSP - RDOR3)613,137 BRL 3,051,428BRL New holding detected
TELEFONICA BRASIL SA (XBSP - VIVT3)316,257 BRL 2,938,224BRL New holding detected
CIA ENERGETICA DE MINAS GERAIS PRE (XBSP - CMIG4)1,387,026 BRL 2,669,209BRL New holding detected
TOTVS SA (XBSP - TOTS3)423,542 BRL 2,495,920BRL New holding detected
VIBRA ENERGIA SA (XBSP - VBBR3)767,272 BRL 2,333,983BRL New holding detected
KLABIN UNITS SA (XBSP - KLBN11)626,482 BRL 2,301,420BRL New holding detected
BANCO BRADESCO SA (XBSP - BBDC3)1,219,013 BRL 2,290,885BRL New holding detected
TIM SA (XBSP - TIMS3)647,111 BRL 1,950,496BRL New holding detected
STONECO LTD CLASS A (NASDAQ - STNE)191,933 USD 1,798,412USD New holding detected
ULTRAPAR PARTICIPOES SA (XBSP - UGPA3)554,369 BRL 1,593,036BRL New holding detected
NATURA CO HOLDING SA (XBSP - NTCO3)689,252 BRL 1,560,828BRL New holding detected
COMPANHIA CONCESSOES RODOVIARIAS S (XBSP - CCRO3)773,299 BRL 1,553,898BRL New holding detected
HAPVIDA PARTICIPACOES E INVESTIMEN (XBSP - HAPV3)3,749,799 BRL 1,509,602BRL New holding detected
CIA PARANAENSE DE ENERGIA COPEL PR (XBSP - CPLE6)836,235 BRL 1,452,543BRL New holding detected
ENERGISA UNITS SA (XBSP - ENGI11)187,001 BRL 1,318,430BRL New holding detected
BRF BRASIL FOODS SA (XBSP - BRFS3)385,540 BRL 1,302,572BRL New holding detected
CENTRAIS ELETR BRAS-ELETROBRAS PRE (XBSP - ELET6)182,475 BRL 1,281,771BRL New holding detected
CAIXA SEGURIDADE PARTICIPACOES SA (XBSP - CXSE3)459,446 BRL 1,175,164BRL New holding detected
COSAN INDUSTRIA E COMERCIO SA (XBSP - CSAN3)933,025 BRL 1,168,953BRL New holding detected
CPFL ENERGIA SA (XBSP - CPFE3)176,765 BRL 1,036,763BRL New holding detected
INTER AND CO INC CLASS A (NASDAQ - INTR)185,582 USD 996,575USD New holding detected
HYPERMARCAS SA (XBSP - HYPE3)291,809 BRL 979,820BRL New holding detected
ENGIE BRASIL ENERGIA SA (XBSP - EGIE3)156,530 BRL 978,380BRL New holding detected
COMPANHIA SIDERURGICA NACIONAL SA (XBSP - CSNA3)501,994 BRL 728,235BRL New holding detected
EQUATORIAL RTS SA (XBSP - EQTL1)2,916 BRL 2,318BRL New holding detected
Share price and value of shares held is calculated on the adjusted close price on 2025-02-13

IE00B0M63516 ETF holdings on 2025-02-12 (Wednesday)

TickerNumber of Shares HeldValue of Shares HeldShare Price (delta previous report)Comment
NU (Nu Holdings Ltd) 2,251,929 USD 30,716,312NU value decreased by -675578-2.2%USD 13.64NU unit share price decreased by -0.3-2.2%
VALE3.SA2,602,133 BRL 24,722,057VALE3.SA value decreased by -177744-0.7%BRL 9.50069VALE3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.06831-0.7%
ITUB4.SA3,704,049 BRL 21,638,719ITUB4.SA value decreased by -626250-2.8%BRL 5.84191ITUB4.SA unit share price decreased by -0.16907-2.8%
PETR4.SA3,425,655 BRL 21,550,865PETR4.SA value decreased by -336197-1.5%BRL 6.29102PETR4.SA unit share price decreased by -0.098140000000001-1.5%
PETR3.SA2,844,418 BRL 19,393,703PETR3.SA value decreased by -467311-2.4%BRL 6.81816PETR3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.16429-2.4%
WEGE3.SA1,283,351 BRL 11,727,620WEGE3.SA value decreased by -96365-0.8%BRL 9.13828WEGE3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.075089999999999-0.8%
BBDC4.SA4,063,853 BRL 8,258,847BBDC4.SA value decreased by -398374-4.6%BRL 2.03227BBDC4.SA unit share price decreased by -0.09803-4.6%
B3SA3.SA4,145,345 BRL 7,935,669B3SA3.SA value decreased by -104119-1.3%BRL 1.91436B3SA3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.02511-1.3%
ITSA4.SA4,353,301 BRL 7,133,527ITSA4.SA value decreased by -191893-2.6%BRL 1.63865ITSA4.SA unit share price decreased by -0.04408-2.6%
ABEV3.SA3,609,718 BRL 6,835,176ABEV3.SA value decreased by -28013-0.4%BRL 1.89355ABEV3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.00776-0.4%
BBAS3.SA1,312,976 BRL 6,283,761BBAS3.SA value decreased by -107500-1.7%BRL 4.78589BBAS3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.08188-1.7%
SBSP3.SA365,387 BRL 6,149,605SBSP3.SA value decreased by -65419-1.1%BRL 16.8304SBSP3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.179-1.1%
ELET3.SA926,161 BRL 5,760,653ELET3.SA value decreased by -33025-0.6%BRL 6.21993ELET3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.03565-0.6%
EMBR3.SA536,947 BRL 5,539,904EMBR3.SA value decreased by -60154-1.1%BRL 10.3174EMBR3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.112-1.1%
SUZB3.SA532,143 BRL 5,349,159SUZB3.SA value decreased by -90941-1.7%BRL 10.0521SUZB3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.1709-1.7%
BPAC11.SA900,835 BRL 4,953,308BPAC11.SA value decreased by -97475-1.9%BRL 5.49857BPAC11.SA unit share price decreased by -0.10821-1.9%
EQTL3.SA903,924 BRL 4,750,854EQTL3.SA value decreased by -77329-1.6%BRL 5.25581EQTL3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.08555-1.6%
PRIO3.SA613,285 BRL 4,201,682PRIO3.SA value decreased by -85871-2.0%BRL 6.85111PRIO3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.14002-2.0%
XP (Xp Inc) 283,757 USD 4,063,400XP value increased by 198630.5%USD 14.32XP unit share price increased by 0.070.5%
RENT3.SA703,265 BRL 3,741,349RENT3.SA value decreased by -44322-1.2%BRL 5.31997RENT3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.063020000000001-1.2%
BBSE3.SA535,091 BRL 3,629,780BBSE3.SA value increased by 49240.1%BRL 6.78348BBSE3.SA unit share price increased by 0.00919999999999990.1%
JBSS3.SA593,263 BRL 3,393,778JBSS3.SA value decreased by -169227-4.7%BRL 5.72053JBSS3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.28525-4.7%
RADL3.SA984,683 BRL 3,351,742RADL3.SA value decreased by -61240-1.8%BRL 3.40388RADL3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.06219-1.8%
RAIL3.SA993,298 BRL 3,198,492RAIL3.SA value decreased by -35850-1.1%BRL 3.22007RAIL3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.03609-1.1%
GGBR4.SA1,061,330 BRL 3,196,716GGBR4.SA value decreased by -69510-2.1%BRL 3.01199GGBR4.SA unit share price decreased by -0.06549-2.1%
RDOR3.SA613,137 BRL 3,056,674RDOR3.SA value decreased by -19408-0.6%BRL 4.9853RDOR3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.03166-0.6%
VIVT3.SA316,257 BRL 2,875,238VIVT3.SA value increased by 53370.2%BRL 9.09146VIVT3.SA unit share price increased by 0.016880.2%
CMIG4.SA1,387,026 BRL 2,657,668CMIG4.SA value decreased by -20402-0.8%BRL 1.91609CMIG4.SA unit share price decreased by -0.01471-0.8%
TOTS3.SA423,542 BRL 2,427,291TOTS3.SA value decreased by -70853-2.8%BRL 5.73093TOTS3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.16729-2.8%
VBBR3.SA767,272 BRL 2,299,042VBBR3.SA value decreased by -14307-0.6%BRL 2.99638VBBR3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.01865-0.6%
KLBN11.SA626,482 BRL 2,284,555KLBN11.SA value decreased by -15120-0.7%BRL 3.64664KLBN11.SA unit share price decreased by -0.02414-0.7%
BBDC3.SA1,219,013 BRL 2,249,074BBDC3.SA value decreased by -87679-3.8%BRL 1.845BBDC3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.07192-3.8%
TIMS3.SA647,111 BRL 1,941,238TIMS3.SA value increased by 406942.1%BRL 2.99985TIMS3.SA unit share price increased by 0.062882.1%
STNE (StoneCo Ltd) 191,933 USD 1,771,542STNE value decreased by -65257-3.6%USD 9.23STNE unit share price decreased by -0.34-3.6%
UGPA3.SA554,369 BRL 1,568,819UGPA3.SA value decreased by -50689-3.1%BRL 2.82992UGPA3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.09143-3.1%
NTCO3.SA689,252 BRL 1,546,558NTCO3.SA value increased by 5250.0%BRL 2.24382NTCO3.SA unit share price increased by 0.000760000000000090.0%
CCRO3.SA773,299 BRL 1,535,348CCRO3.SA value decreased by -8715-0.6%BRL 1.98545CCRO3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.01127-0.6%
HAPV3.SA3,749,799 BRL 1,515,018HAPV3.SA value decreased by -117748-7.2%BRL 0.404026HAPV3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.031402-7.2%
CPLE6.SA836,235 BRL 1,447,147CPLE6.SA value decreased by -10783-0.7%BRL 1.73055CPLE6.SA unit share price decreased by -0.0129-0.7%
BRFS3.SA385,540 BRL 1,352,444BRFS3.SA value decreased by -56098-4.0%BRL 3.50792BRFS3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.14551-4.0%
ENGI11.SA187,001 BRL 1,308,727ENGI11.SA value decreased by -23924-1.8%BRL 6.9985ENGI11.SA unit share price decreased by -0.12794-1.8%
ELET6.SA182,475 BRL 1,257,117ELET6.SA value decreased by -12258-1.0%BRL 6.88926ELET6.SA unit share price decreased by -0.06717-1.0%
CSAN3.SA933,025 BRL 1,182,672CSAN3.SA value decreased by -39359-3.2%BRL 1.26757CSAN3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.04218-3.2%
CXSE3.SA459,446 BRL 1,146,434CXSE3.SA value decreased by -2888-0.3%BRL 2.49525CXSE3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.0062899999999999-0.3%
CPFE3.SA176,765 BRL 1,020,078CPFE3.SA value decreased by -26201-2.5%BRL 5.77081CPFE3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.14823-2.5%
HYPE3.SA291,809 BRL 981,138HYPE3.SA value increased by 102051.1%BRL 3.36226HYPE3.SA unit share price increased by 0.034971.1%
INTR (Inter & Co. Inc. Class A Common Shares) 185,582 USD 978,017INTR value increased by 37110.4%USD 5.27INTR unit share price increased by 0.020.4%
EGIE3.SA156,530 BRL 971,976EGIE3.SA value decreased by -17258-1.7%BRL 6.20952EGIE3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.11025-1.7%
CSNA3.SA501,994 BRL 729,451CSNA3.SA value decreased by -42988-5.6%BRL 1.45311CSNA3.SA unit share price decreased by -0.08563-5.6%
EQTL1.SA2,916 BRL 2,179EQTL1.SA value decreased by -244-10.1%BRL 0.747257EQTL1.SA unit share price decreased by -0.083676-10.1%
Share price and value of shares held is calculated on the adjusted close price on 2025-02-12

Detail on historic holdings of IE00B0M63516

Shares Issued in IDBZ

DateShares IssuedNum New IDBZ SharesNAV Market value of new IDBZ sharesValue of shares added to portfolio Cash or Equivalent
2025-01-28 12,915,906 0 0 0 USD 423,994
EUR 2,710
GBP 932
2025-01-27 12,915,906 0 0 0 USD 414,839
EUR 2,729
GBP 935
2025-01-24 12,915,906 0 0 0 USD 419,584
EUR 2,734
GBP 936
2025-01-23 12,915,906 0 0 0 USD 411,817
EUR 2,703
GBP 923
2025-01-22 12,915,906 200,000 0 0 USD 438,400
EUR 2,709
GBP 923
2025-01-21 12,715,906 0 0 0 USD 10,727,701
EUR 2,704
GBP 922
0 0
Value of added shares to portfolio is based on adjusted close price and may not be the price they were purchased at. The value of new issues is based on the NAV calculated at the closing price. Cash is made up of cash deposits or equivalent eg liquidity Dollars


All information is provided as is without warranty and should be used for indicative purposes only. You should independently check data before making any investment decision. This information is derived from third party sources and we cannot guarantee that their data is current, accurate, complete, free from defects etc and we therefore accept no responsibility for how it may be used. We accept no liability for the reliability or accuracy of the data provided. We are not making recommendations for any financial instruments listed on this website.