Stock Name | Dar Global Plc |
Ticker | DAR(USD) LSE |
Ticker | DAR(EUR) F |
Time | Number of Short Trades | Number of DAR Shares Shorted | Lowest DAR Selling Price | Highest DAR Selling Price |
08:00:00 | 1 | 1 | 38.78 | 38.78 |
09:30:00 | 45 | 2032 | 39.19 | 39.58 |
09:45:00 | 82 | 3069 | 39.13 | 39.45 |
10:00:00 | 96 | 2315 | 39.2754 | 39.435 |
10:15:00 | 116 | 2854 | 39.344 | 39.565 |
10:30:00 | 111 | 2902 | 39.4994 | 39.74 |
10:45:00 | 173 | 8360 | 39.34 | 39.6485 |
11:00:00 | 161 | 6077 | 39.17 | 39.4889 |
11:15:00 | 147 | 3537 | 39.05 | 39.22 |
11:30:00 | 79 | 4675 | 39.092 | 39.26 |
11:45:00 | 119 | 5208 | 39.175 | 39.26 |
12:00:00 | 135 | 5188 | 39.16 | 39.2499 |
12:15:00 | 143 | 6365 | 39.1 | 39.1848 |
12:30:00 | 155 | 6344 | 39.085 | 39.17 |
12:45:00 | 104 | 4789 | 39.07 | 39.32 |
13:00:00 | 118 | 13565 | 39.2797 | 39.4 |
13:15:00 | 94 | 6212 | 39.25 | 39.3459 |
13:30:00 | 159 | 7565 | 39.22 | 39.36 |
13:45:00 | 77 | 3078 | 39.2379 | 39.35 |
14:00:00 | 75 | 3397 | 39.26 | 39.3152 |
14:15:00 | 108 | 4126 | 39.26 | 39.33 |
14:30:00 | 86 | 3133 | 39.16 | 39.32 |
14:45:00 | 103 | 5086 | 39.15 | 39.345 |
15:00:00 | 130 | 3360 | 39.17 | 39.3564 |
15:15:00 | 204 | 8111 | 39.07 | 39.285 |
15:30:00 | 194 | 6836 | 39.1397 | 39.28 |
15:45:00 | 374 | 31423 | 39.05 | 39.2399 |
16:00:00 | 4 | 573 | 39.06 | 39.06 |
08:00:00 | 1 | 1 | 38.78 | 38.78 |
09:30:00 | 45 | 2032 | 39.19 | 39.58 |
09:45:00 | 82 | 3069 | 39.13 | 39.45 |
10:00:00 | 96 | 2315 | 39.2754 | 39.435 |
10:15:00 | 116 | 2854 | 39.344 | 39.565 |
10:30:00 | 111 | 2902 | 39.4994 | 39.74 |
10:45:00 | 173 | 8360 | 39.34 | 39.6485 |
11:00:00 | 161 | 6077 | 39.17 | 39.4889 |
11:15:00 | 147 | 3537 | 39.05 | 39.22 |
11:30:00 | 79 | 4675 | 39.092 | 39.26 |
11:45:00 | 119 | 5208 | 39.175 | 39.26 |
12:00:00 | 135 | 5188 | 39.16 | 39.2499 |
12:15:00 | 143 | 6365 | 39.1 | 39.1848 |
12:30:00 | 155 | 6344 | 39.085 | 39.17 |
12:45:00 | 104 | 4789 | 39.07 | 39.32 |
13:00:00 | 118 | 13565 | 39.2797 | 39.4 |
13:15:00 | 94 | 6212 | 39.25 | 39.3459 |
13:30:00 | 159 | 7565 | 39.22 | 39.36 |
13:45:00 | 77 | 3078 | 39.2379 | 39.35 |
14:00:00 | 75 | 3397 | 39.26 | 39.3152 |
14:15:00 | 108 | 4126 | 39.26 | 39.33 |
14:30:00 | 86 | 3133 | 39.16 | 39.32 |
14:45:00 | 103 | 5086 | 39.15 | 39.345 |
15:00:00 | 130 | 3360 | 39.17 | 39.3564 |
15:15:00 | 204 | 8111 | 39.07 | 39.285 |
15:30:00 | 194 | 6836 | 39.1397 | 39.28 |
15:45:00 | 374 | 31423 | 39.05 | 39.2399 |
16:00:00 | 4 | 573 | 39.06 | 39.06 |
Short data is derived from FINRA data. The aggregate of the numbers here will differ from the daily short summary. This difference is for a number of reasons. The Daily Short Sale Volume is the total volume of short trades that meet certain criteria on each trade date by 6 PM ET on the trade date. The data here is derived from the transaction level data and includes ALL trades (including exempt) and the aggregation period extends beyond 6pm.