Stock Name | Pilgrims Pride Corp |
Ticker | PPC(USD) NASDAQ |
Time | Number of Short Trades | Number of PPC Shares Shorted | Lowest PPC Selling Price | Highest PPC Selling Price |
08:15:00 | 1 | 108 | 46 | 46 |
09:15:00 | 1 | 50 | 46 | 46 |
09:30:00 | 76 | 11996 | 45.735 | 46.23 |
09:45:00 | 69 | 3822 | 45.975 | 46.4 |
10:00:00 | 107 | 4523 | 46.26 | 46.4706 |
10:15:00 | 99 | 3714 | 46.235 | 46.48 |
10:30:00 | 110 | 19575 | 46.16 | 46.48 |
10:45:00 | 96 | 13610 | 46.195 | 46.415 |
11:00:00 | 104 | 6770 | 46.315 | 46.42 |
11:15:00 | 150 | 9440 | 46.3689 | 46.6 |
11:30:00 | 85 | 6008 | 46.51 | 46.59 |
11:45:00 | 97 | 5968 | 46.315 | 46.5412 |
12:00:00 | 99 | 3989 | 46.25 | 46.3588 |
12:15:00 | 133 | 27478 | 46.15 | 46.385 |
12:30:00 | 98 | 4550 | 46.3043 | 46.54 |
12:45:00 | 101 | 4373 | 46.4667 | 46.59 |
13:00:00 | 123 | 5544 | 46.39 | 46.5993 |
13:15:00 | 116 | 3895 | 46.4029 | 46.49 |
13:30:00 | 93 | 2936 | 46.37 | 46.5 |
13:45:00 | 65 | 2768 | 46.2548 | 46.4346 |
14:00:00 | 88 | 2971 | 46.23 | 46.355 |
14:15:00 | 108 | 4629 | 46.3298 | 46.455 |
14:30:00 | 133 | 6063 | 46.37 | 46.43 |
14:45:00 | 187 | 7254 | 46.3257 | 46.43 |
15:00:00 | 160 | 7380 | 46.36 | 46.45 |
15:15:00 | 175 | 8686 | 46.405 | 46.48 |
15:30:00 | 282 | 12184 | 46.4293 | 46.56 |
15:45:00 | 753 | 50906 | 46.395 | 46.575 |
16:00:00 | 13 | 5650 | 46.55 | 46.55 |
17:30:00 | 1 | 22 | 46.97 | 46.97 |
08:15:00 | 1 | 108 | 46 | 46 |
09:15:00 | 1 | 50 | 46 | 46 |
09:30:00 | 76 | 11996 | 45.735 | 46.23 |
09:45:00 | 69 | 3822 | 45.975 | 46.4 |
10:00:00 | 107 | 4523 | 46.26 | 46.4706 |
10:15:00 | 99 | 3714 | 46.235 | 46.48 |
10:30:00 | 110 | 19575 | 46.16 | 46.48 |
10:45:00 | 96 | 13610 | 46.195 | 46.415 |
11:00:00 | 104 | 6770 | 46.315 | 46.42 |
11:15:00 | 150 | 9440 | 46.3689 | 46.6 |
11:30:00 | 85 | 6008 | 46.51 | 46.59 |
11:45:00 | 97 | 5968 | 46.315 | 46.5412 |
12:00:00 | 99 | 3989 | 46.25 | 46.3588 |
12:15:00 | 133 | 27478 | 46.15 | 46.385 |
12:30:00 | 98 | 4550 | 46.3043 | 46.54 |
12:45:00 | 101 | 4373 | 46.4667 | 46.59 |
13:00:00 | 123 | 5544 | 46.39 | 46.5993 |
13:15:00 | 116 | 3895 | 46.4029 | 46.49 |
13:30:00 | 93 | 2936 | 46.37 | 46.5 |
13:45:00 | 65 | 2768 | 46.2548 | 46.4346 |
14:00:00 | 88 | 2971 | 46.23 | 46.355 |
14:15:00 | 108 | 4629 | 46.3298 | 46.455 |
14:30:00 | 133 | 6063 | 46.37 | 46.43 |
14:45:00 | 187 | 7254 | 46.3257 | 46.43 |
15:00:00 | 160 | 7380 | 46.36 | 46.45 |
15:15:00 | 175 | 8686 | 46.405 | 46.48 |
15:30:00 | 282 | 12184 | 46.4293 | 46.56 |
15:45:00 | 753 | 50906 | 46.395 | 46.575 |
16:00:00 | 13 | 5650 | 46.55 | 46.55 |
17:30:00 | 1 | 22 | 46.97 | 46.97 |
Short data is derived from FINRA data. The aggregate of the numbers here will differ from the daily short summary. This difference is for a number of reasons. The Daily Short Sale Volume is the total volume of short trades that meet certain criteria on each trade date by 6 PM ET on the trade date. The data here is derived from the transaction level data and includes ALL trades (including exempt) and the aggregation period extends beyond 6pm.