Stock Name | STM Group Plc |
Ticker | STM(GBX) LSE |
Ticker | STM(EUR) F |
Time | Number of Short Trades | Number of STM Shares Shorted | Lowest STM Selling Price | Highest STM Selling Price |
08:00:00 | 12 | 6445 | 28.27 | 28.6276 |
08:15:00 | 2 | 301 | 28.2897 | 28.299 |
08:30:00 | 2 | 105 | 28.2697 | 28.27 |
09:00:00 | 1 | 6 | 28.3399 | 28.3399 |
09:30:00 | 387 | 22303 | 28.195 | 28.455 |
09:45:00 | 195 | 12686 | 28.07 | 28.253 |
10:00:00 | 186 | 25703 | 28.07 | 28.14 |
10:15:00 | 114 | 7657 | 28.06 | 28.185 |
10:30:00 | 166 | 78693 | 28.05 | 28.14 |
10:45:00 | 140 | 11495 | 28.04 | 28.0971 |
11:00:00 | 123 | 16165 | 28.04 | 28.12 |
11:15:00 | 131 | 7683 | 28.045 | 28.1012 |
11:30:00 | 76 | 3539 | 28.02 | 28.085 |
11:45:00 | 159 | 20960 | 27.9578 | 28.0405 |
12:00:00 | 112 | 8169 | 27.92 | 27.995 |
12:15:00 | 91 | 3154 | 27.92 | 28.047 |
12:30:00 | 81 | 2997 | 27.9992 | 28.07 |
12:45:00 | 75 | 9818 | 28.005 | 28.0598 |
13:00:00 | 70 | 4637 | 28.03 | 28.07 |
13:15:00 | 73 | 4052 | 28.04 | 28.0897 |
13:30:00 | 78 | 4883 | 28.0676 | 28.1457 |
13:45:00 | 100 | 4714 | 28.085 | 28.1455 |
14:00:00 | 85 | 4131 | 28.07 | 28.1283 |
14:15:00 | 117 | 6387 | 28.08 | 28.14 |
14:30:00 | 85 | 7276 | 28.07 | 28.105 |
14:45:00 | 121 | 7933 | 28.0946 | 28.13 |
15:00:00 | 157 | 9507 | 28.07 | 28.155 |
15:15:00 | 172 | 9621 | 28.13 | 28.1592 |
15:30:00 | 521 | 55376 | 28.135 | 28.205 |
15:45:00 | 807 | 95347 | 28.1 | 28.1749 |
16:00:00 | 2 | 5524 | 28.16 | 28.16 |
16:15:00 | 1 | 60 | 28.2 | 28.2 |
17:30:00 | 1 | 212300 | 28.16 | 28.16 |
08:00:00 | 12 | 6445 | 28.27 | 28.6276 |
08:15:00 | 2 | 301 | 28.2897 | 28.299 |
08:30:00 | 2 | 105 | 28.2697 | 28.27 |
09:00:00 | 1 | 6 | 28.3399 | 28.3399 |
09:30:00 | 387 | 22303 | 28.195 | 28.455 |
09:45:00 | 195 | 12686 | 28.07 | 28.253 |
10:00:00 | 186 | 25703 | 28.07 | 28.14 |
10:15:00 | 114 | 7657 | 28.06 | 28.185 |
10:30:00 | 166 | 78693 | 28.05 | 28.14 |
10:45:00 | 140 | 11495 | 28.04 | 28.0971 |
11:00:00 | 123 | 16165 | 28.04 | 28.12 |
11:15:00 | 131 | 7683 | 28.045 | 28.1012 |
11:30:00 | 76 | 3539 | 28.02 | 28.085 |
11:45:00 | 159 | 20960 | 27.9578 | 28.0405 |
12:00:00 | 112 | 8169 | 27.92 | 27.995 |
12:15:00 | 91 | 3154 | 27.92 | 28.047 |
12:30:00 | 81 | 2997 | 27.9992 | 28.07 |
12:45:00 | 75 | 9818 | 28.005 | 28.0598 |
13:00:00 | 70 | 4637 | 28.03 | 28.07 |
13:15:00 | 73 | 4052 | 28.04 | 28.0897 |
13:30:00 | 78 | 4883 | 28.0676 | 28.1457 |
13:45:00 | 100 | 4714 | 28.085 | 28.1455 |
14:00:00 | 85 | 4131 | 28.07 | 28.1283 |
14:15:00 | 117 | 6387 | 28.08 | 28.14 |
14:30:00 | 85 | 7276 | 28.07 | 28.105 |
14:45:00 | 121 | 7933 | 28.0946 | 28.13 |
15:00:00 | 157 | 9507 | 28.07 | 28.155 |
15:15:00 | 172 | 9621 | 28.13 | 28.1592 |
15:30:00 | 521 | 55376 | 28.135 | 28.205 |
15:45:00 | 807 | 95347 | 28.1 | 28.1749 |
16:00:00 | 2 | 5524 | 28.16 | 28.16 |
16:15:00 | 1 | 60 | 28.2 | 28.2 |
17:30:00 | 1 | 212300 | 28.16 | 28.16 |
Short data is derived from FINRA data. The aggregate of the numbers here will differ from the daily short summary. This difference is for a number of reasons. The Daily Short Sale Volume is the total volume of short trades that meet certain criteria on each trade date by 6 PM ET on the trade date. The data here is derived from the transaction level data and includes ALL trades (including exempt) and the aggregation period extends beyond 6pm.