Portfolio Holdings Detail for ISIN IE000ZPUEP93
Stock NameISHARES SP B $ D
ETF TickerBNKT(USD) Euronext Amsterdam

Holdings detail for FFIN

Stock NameFirst Financial Bankshares Inc

Show aggregate FFIN holdings

DateNumber of FFIN Shares HeldBase Market Value of FFIN SharesLocal Market Value of FFIN SharesChange in FFIN Shares HeldChange in FFIN Base ValueCurrent Price per FFIN Share HeldPrevious Price per FFIN Share Held
2024-12-10 (Tuesday)142,670FFIN holding increased by 772USD 5,815,229FFIN holding increased by 95321USD 5,815,229772USD 95,321 USD 40.76 USD 40.31
2024-12-09 (Monday)141,898FFIN holding increased by 386USD 5,719,908FFIN holding decreased by -69348USD 5,719,908386USD -69,348 USD 40.31 USD 40.91
2024-12-06 (Friday)141,512FFIN holding increased by 386USD 5,789,256FFIN holding increased by 11558USD 5,789,256386USD 11,558 USD 40.91 USD 40.94
2024-12-05 (Thursday)141,126FFIN holding increased by 1158USD 5,777,698FFIN holding decreased by -7179USD 5,777,6981,158USD -7,179 USD 40.94 USD 41.33
2024-12-04 (Wednesday)139,968USD 5,784,877FFIN holding increased by 67184USD 5,784,8770USD 67,184 USD 41.33 USD 40.85
2024-12-03 (Tuesday)139,968FFIN holding increased by 772USD 5,717,693FFIN holding decreased by -40846USD 5,717,693772USD -40,846 USD 40.85 USD 41.37
2024-12-02 (Monday)139,196FFIN holding increased by 1544USD 5,758,539FFIN holding increased by 21204USD 5,758,5391,544USD 21,204 USD 41.37 USD 41.68
2024-11-29 (Friday)137,652FFIN holding increased by 1544USD 5,737,335FFIN holding increased by 16716USD 5,737,3351,544USD 16,716 USD 41.68 USD 42.03
2024-11-28 (Thursday)136,108USD 5,720,619USD 5,720,6190USD 0 USD 42.03 USD 42.03
2024-11-27 (Wednesday)136,108USD 5,720,619FFIN holding decreased by -73499USD 5,720,6190USD -73,499 USD 42.03 USD 42.57
2024-11-26 (Tuesday)136,108FFIN holding increased by 424USD 5,794,118FFIN holding decreased by -47078USD 5,794,118424USD -47,078 USD 42.57 USD 43.05
2024-11-25 (Monday)135,684FFIN holding increased by 12705USD 5,841,196FFIN holding increased by 581384USD 5,841,19612,705USD 581,384 USD 43.05 USD 42.77
2024-11-22 (Friday)122,979FFIN holding increased by 385USD 5,259,812FFIN holding increased by 180743USD 5,259,812385USD 180,743 USD 42.77 USD 41.43
2024-11-21 (Thursday)122,594FFIN holding increased by 385USD 5,079,069FFIN holding increased by 114939USD 5,079,069385USD 114,939 USD 41.43 USD 40.62
2024-11-20 (Wednesday)122,209FFIN holding increased by 2310USD 4,964,130FFIN holding increased by 54266USD 4,964,1302,310USD 54,266 USD 40.62 USD 40.95
2024-11-19 (Tuesday)119,899FFIN holding increased by 385USD 4,909,864FFIN holding decreased by -20089USD 4,909,864385USD -20,089 USD 40.95 USD 41.25
2024-11-18 (Monday)119,514FFIN holding increased by 9984USD 4,929,953FFIN holding increased by 276023USD 4,929,9539,984USD 276,023 USD 41.25 USD 42.49
2024-11-12 (Tuesday)109,530FFIN holding increased by 4491USD 4,653,930FFIN holding increased by 315819USD 4,653,9304,491USD 315,819 USD 42.49 USD 41.3
2024-11-08 (Friday)105,039FFIN holding increased by 6894USD 4,338,111FFIN holding increased by 329869USD 4,338,1116,894USD 329,869 USD 41.3 USD 40.84
2024-11-07 (Thursday)98,145FFIN holding decreased by -26989USD 4,008,242FFIN holding decreased by -1246135USD 4,008,242-26,989USD -1,246,135 USD 40.84 USD 41.99
2024-11-06 (Wednesday)125,134FFIN holding increased by 14592USD 5,254,377FFIN holding increased by 1193064USD 5,254,37714,592USD 1,193,064 USD 41.99 USD 36.74
2024-11-05 (Tuesday)110,542FFIN holding increased by 384USD 4,061,313FFIN holding increased by 86812USD 4,061,313384USD 86,812 USD 36.74 USD 36.08
2024-11-04 (Monday)110,158FFIN holding increased by 3456USD 3,974,501FFIN holding increased by 85213USD 3,974,5013,456USD 85,213 USD 36.08 USD 36.45
2024-11-01 (Friday)106,702FFIN holding increased by 37818USD 3,889,288FFIN holding increased by 1399820USD 3,889,28837,818USD 1,399,820 USD 36.45 USD 36.14
2024-10-31 (Thursday)68,884FFIN holding increased by 3048USD 2,489,468FFIN holding increased by 75920USD 2,489,4683,048USD 75,920 USD 36.14 USD 36.66
2024-10-30 (Wednesday)65,836FFIN holding increased by 2286USD 2,413,548FFIN holding increased by 100963USD 2,413,5482,286USD 100,963 USD 36.66 USD 36.39
2024-10-29 (Tuesday)63,550FFIN holding increased by 4953USD 2,312,585FFIN holding increased by 155629USD 2,312,5854,953USD 155,629 USD 36.39 USD 36.81
2024-10-28 (Monday)58,597USD 2,156,956FFIN holding increased by 39846USD 2,156,9560USD 39,846 USD 36.81 USD 36.13
2024-10-25 (Friday)58,597USD 2,117,110FFIN holding decreased by -43947USD 2,117,1100USD -43,947 USD 36.13 USD 36.88
2024-10-24 (Thursday)58,597FFIN holding increased by 1900USD 2,161,057FFIN holding increased by 48527USD 2,161,0571,900USD 48,527 USD 36.88 USD 37.26
2024-10-23 (Wednesday)56,697FFIN holding increased by 1140USD 2,112,530FFIN holding increased by 52476USD 2,112,5301,140USD 52,476 USD 37.26 USD 37.08
2024-10-22 (Tuesday)55,557USD 2,060,054FFIN holding increased by 3334USD 2,060,0540USD 3,334 USD 37.08 USD 37.02
2024-10-21 (Monday)55,557USD 2,056,720FFIN holding decreased by -76669USD 2,056,7200USD -76,669 USD 37.02 USD 38.4
2024-10-18 (Friday)55,557USD 2,133,389USD 2,133,389
Share price and value of shares held is calculated on the adjusted close price of each day (row). Changes between days reflect the gain/loss of the portfolio as a result of changes in the adjusted close price and changes in the holdings

Share Trades of FFIN by Blackrock for IE000ZPUEP93

Show aggregate share trades of FFIN

DateActionQuantityMarket HighMarket LowLikely Trade PriceLikely Trade Value (Profit/Loss)
2024-12-10BUY772 40.760*
2024-12-09BUY386 40.310*
2024-12-06BUY386 40.910*
2024-12-05BUY1,158 40.940*
2024-12-03BUY772 40.850*
2024-12-02BUY1,544 41.370*
2024-11-29BUY1,544 41.680*
2024-11-26BUY424 42.570*
2024-11-25BUY12,705 43.050*
2024-11-22BUY385 42.770*
2024-11-21BUY385 41.430*
2024-11-20BUY2,310 40.620*
2024-11-19BUY385 40.950*
2024-11-18BUY9,984 41.250*
2024-11-12BUY4,491 42.490*
2024-11-08BUY6,894 41.300*
2024-11-07SELL-26,989 40.840*
2024-11-06BUY14,592 41.990*
2024-11-05BUY384 36.740*
2024-11-04BUY3,456 36.080*
2024-11-01BUY37,818 36.450*
2024-10-31BUY3,048 36.140*
2024-10-30BUY2,286 36.660*
2024-10-29BUY4,953 36.390*
2024-10-24BUY1,900 36.880*
2024-10-23BUY1,140 37.260*
Market high and low price is on the date.

* (if shown) = market close price used not a projected price. This is used when we do not have market data available to calculate a projection

The likely trade price/value is our estimate on the likely price the trade took place at and is not the actual trade price. The likely LOSS/GAIN is our estimate. Where a profit/loss value is shown this is derived from matching trades between periods eg the most recent previous BUY is matched with the SELL and the difference between the likely BUY price and likely SELL price is calculated

Shorting History of FFIN

DateShorted VolumeShort Exempt VolumeTotal Shares Traded% Shorted

The data here is derived from FINRA daily shorted trade data. The Daily Short Sale Volume is the total volume of short trades that meet certain criteria on each trade date by 6 PM ET on the trade date. The detail trade data is derived from the monthly shorted trade data which will differ in aggregate. The detail trade data is derived from the transaction level data and includes ALL trades (including exempt) and the aggregation period extends beyond 6pm.

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