Portfolio Holdings Detail for ISIN IE000ZPUEP93
Stock NameISHARES SP B $ D
ETF TickerBNKT(USD) Euronext Amsterdam

Holdings detail for FITB

Stock NameFifth Third Bancorp

Show aggregate FITB holdings

DateNumber of FITB Shares HeldBase Market Value of FITB SharesLocal Market Value of FITB SharesChange in FITB Shares HeldChange in FITB Base ValueCurrent Price per FITB Share HeldPrevious Price per FITB Share Held
2024-12-10 (Tuesday)501,800FITB holding increased by 2714USD 23,278,502FITB holding increased by 56030USD 23,278,5022,714USD 56,030 USD 46.39 USD 46.53
2024-12-09 (Monday)499,086FITB holding increased by 1357USD 23,222,472FITB holding decreased by -275314USD 23,222,4721,357USD -275,314 USD 46.53 USD 47.21
2024-12-06 (Friday)497,729FITB holding increased by 1357USD 23,497,786FITB holding increased by 9463USD 23,497,7861,357USD 9,463 USD 47.21 USD 47.32
2024-12-05 (Thursday)496,372FITB holding increased by 4071USD 23,488,323FITB holding increased by 419098USD 23,488,3234,071USD 419,098 USD 47.32 USD 46.86
2024-12-04 (Wednesday)492,301USD 23,069,225FITB holding decreased by -93537USD 23,069,2250USD -93,537 USD 46.86 USD 47.05
2024-12-03 (Tuesday)492,301FITB holding increased by 2714USD 23,162,762FITB holding decreased by -126892USD 23,162,7622,714USD -126,892 USD 47.05 USD 47.57
2024-12-02 (Monday)489,587FITB holding increased by 5428USD 23,289,654FITB holding increased by 20972USD 23,289,6545,428USD 20,972 USD 47.57 USD 48.06
2024-11-29 (Friday)484,159FITB holding increased by 5424USD 23,268,682FITB holding increased by 212804USD 23,268,6825,424USD 212,804 USD 48.06 USD 48.16
2024-11-28 (Thursday)478,735USD 23,055,878USD 23,055,8780USD 0 USD 48.16 USD 48.16
2024-11-27 (Wednesday)478,735USD 23,055,878FITB holding decreased by -43086USD 23,055,8780USD -43,086 USD 48.16 USD 48.25
2024-11-26 (Tuesday)478,735FITB holding increased by 1493USD 23,098,964FITB holding decreased by -18638USD 23,098,9641,493USD -18,638 USD 48.25 USD 48.44
2024-11-25 (Monday)477,242FITB holding increased by 44682USD 23,117,602FITB holding increased by 2397978USD 23,117,60244,682USD 2,397,978 USD 48.44 USD 47.9
2024-11-22 (Friday)432,560FITB holding increased by 1354USD 20,719,624FITB holding increased by 401197USD 20,719,6241,354USD 401,197 USD 47.9 USD 47.12
2024-11-21 (Thursday)431,206FITB holding decreased by -430USD 20,318,427FITB holding increased by 329364USD 20,318,427-430USD 329,364 USD 47.12 USD 46.31
2024-11-20 (Wednesday)431,636FITB holding increased by 8154USD 19,989,063FITB holding increased by 322559USD 19,989,0638,154USD 322,559 USD 46.31 USD 46.44
2024-11-19 (Tuesday)423,482FITB holding increased by 1359USD 19,666,504FITB holding decreased by -97295USD 19,666,5041,359USD -97,295 USD 46.44 USD 46.82
2024-11-18 (Monday)422,123FITB holding increased by 35293USD 19,763,799FITB holding increased by 1517028USD 19,763,79935,293USD 1,517,028 USD 46.82 USD 47.17
2024-11-12 (Tuesday)386,830FITB holding increased by 15861USD 18,246,771FITB holding increased by 1085745USD 18,246,77115,861USD 1,085,745 USD 47.17 USD 46.26
2024-11-08 (Friday)370,969FITB holding increased by 24372USD 17,161,026FITB holding increased by 1241826USD 17,161,02624,372USD 1,241,826 USD 46.26 USD 45.93
2024-11-07 (Thursday)346,597FITB holding decreased by -94367USD 15,919,200FITB holding decreased by -4748783USD 15,919,200-94,367USD -4,748,783 USD 45.93 USD 46.87
2024-11-06 (Wednesday)440,964FITB holding increased by 51452USD 20,667,983FITB holding increased by 3856645USD 20,667,98351,452USD 3,856,645 USD 46.87 USD 43.16
2024-11-05 (Tuesday)389,512FITB holding increased by 1354USD 16,811,338FITB holding increased by 186531USD 16,811,3381,354USD 186,531 USD 43.16 USD 42.83
2024-11-04 (Monday)388,158FITB holding increased by 12033USD 16,624,807FITB holding increased by 398774USD 16,624,80712,033USD 398,774 USD 42.83 USD 43.14
2024-11-01 (Friday)376,125FITB holding increased by 131395USD 16,226,033FITB holding increased by 5536227USD 16,226,033131,395USD 5,536,227 USD 43.14 USD 43.68
2024-10-31 (Thursday)244,730FITB holding increased by 10832USD 10,689,806FITB holding increased by 379582USD 10,689,80610,832USD 379,582 USD 43.68 USD 44.08
2024-10-30 (Wednesday)233,898FITB holding increased by 8064USD 10,310,224FITB holding increased by 372399USD 10,310,2248,064USD 372,399 USD 44.08 USD 44.005
2024-10-29 (Tuesday)225,834FITB holding increased by 17576USD 9,937,825FITB holding increased by 764060USD 9,937,82517,576USD 764,060 USD 44.005 USD 44.05
2024-10-28 (Monday)208,258USD 9,173,765FITB holding increased by 172854USD 9,173,7650USD 172,854 USD 44.05 USD 43.22
2024-10-25 (Friday)208,258USD 9,000,911FITB holding decreased by -174936USD 9,000,9110USD -174,936 USD 43.22 USD 44.06
2024-10-24 (Thursday)208,258FITB holding increased by 6755USD 9,175,847FITB holding increased by 335910USD 9,175,8476,755USD 335,910 USD 44.06 USD 43.87
2024-10-23 (Wednesday)201,503FITB holding increased by 4053USD 8,839,937FITB holding increased by 219270USD 8,839,9374,053USD 219,270 USD 43.87 USD 43.66
2024-10-22 (Tuesday)197,450USD 8,620,667FITB holding increased by 57260USD 8,620,6670USD 57,260 USD 43.66 USD 43.37
2024-10-21 (Monday)197,450USD 8,563,407FITB holding decreased by -256685USD 8,563,4070USD -256,685 USD 43.37 USD 44.67
2024-10-18 (Friday)197,450USD 8,820,092USD 8,820,092
Share price and value of shares held is calculated on the adjusted close price of each day (row). Changes between days reflect the gain/loss of the portfolio as a result of changes in the adjusted close price and changes in the holdings

Share Trades of FITB by Blackrock for IE000ZPUEP93

Show aggregate share trades of FITB

DateActionQuantityMarket HighMarket LowLikely Trade PriceLikely Trade Value (Profit/Loss)
2024-12-10BUY2,714 46.390*
2024-12-09BUY1,357 46.530*
2024-12-06BUY1,357 47.210*
2024-12-05BUY4,071 47.320*
2024-12-03BUY2,714 47.050*
2024-12-02BUY5,428 47.570*
2024-11-29BUY5,424 48.060*
2024-11-26BUY1,493 48.250*
2024-11-25BUY44,682 48.440*
2024-11-22BUY1,354 47.900*
2024-11-21SELL-430 47.120*
2024-11-20BUY8,154 46.310*
2024-11-19BUY1,359 46.440*
2024-11-18BUY35,293 46.820*
2024-11-12BUY15,861 47.170*
2024-11-08BUY24,372 46.260*
2024-11-07SELL-94,367 45.930*
2024-11-06BUY51,452 46.870*
2024-11-05BUY1,354 43.160*
2024-11-04BUY12,033 42.830*
2024-11-01BUY131,395 43.140*
2024-10-31BUY10,832 43.680*
2024-10-30BUY8,064 44.080*
2024-10-29BUY17,576 44.005*
2024-10-24BUY6,755 44.060*
2024-10-23BUY4,053 43.870*
Market high and low price is on the date.

* (if shown) = market close price used not a projected price. This is used when we do not have market data available to calculate a projection

The likely trade price/value is our estimate on the likely price the trade took place at and is not the actual trade price. The likely LOSS/GAIN is our estimate. Where a profit/loss value is shown this is derived from matching trades between periods eg the most recent previous BUY is matched with the SELL and the difference between the likely BUY price and likely SELL price is calculated

Shorting History of FITB

DateShorted VolumeShort Exempt VolumeTotal Shares Traded% Shorted

The data here is derived from FINRA daily shorted trade data. The Daily Short Sale Volume is the total volume of short trades that meet certain criteria on each trade date by 6 PM ET on the trade date. The detail trade data is derived from the monthly shorted trade data which will differ in aggregate. The detail trade data is derived from the transaction level data and includes ALL trades (including exempt) and the aggregation period extends beyond 6pm.

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