Portfolio Holdings Detail for ISIN IE000ZPUEP93
Stock NameISHARES SP B $ D
ETF TickerBNKT(USD) Euronext Amsterdam

Holdings detail for IBOC

Stock NameInternational Bancshares Corporation

Show aggregate IBOC holdings

DateNumber of IBOC Shares HeldBase Market Value of IBOC SharesLocal Market Value of IBOC SharesChange in IBOC Shares HeldChange in IBOC Base ValueCurrent Price per IBOC Share HeldPrevious Price per IBOC Share Held
2024-12-10 (Tuesday)58,927IBOC holding increased by 318USD 4,154,354IBOC holding increased by 10698USD 4,154,354318USD 10,698 USD 70.5 USD 70.7
2024-12-09 (Monday)58,609IBOC holding increased by 159USD 4,143,656IBOC holding decreased by -61822USD 4,143,656159USD -61,822 USD 70.7 USD 71.95
2024-12-06 (Friday)58,450IBOC holding increased by 159USD 4,205,478IBOC holding increased by 25430USD 4,205,478159USD 25,430 USD 71.95 USD 71.71
2024-12-05 (Thursday)58,291IBOC holding increased by 477USD 4,180,048IBOC holding decreased by -14358USD 4,180,048477USD -14,358 USD 71.71 USD 72.55
2024-12-04 (Wednesday)57,814USD 4,194,406IBOC holding increased by 27751USD 4,194,4060USD 27,751 USD 72.55 USD 72.07
2024-12-03 (Tuesday)57,814IBOC holding increased by 318USD 4,166,655IBOC holding decreased by -20204USD 4,166,655318USD -20,204 USD 72.07 USD 72.82
2024-12-02 (Monday)57,496IBOC holding increased by 636USD 4,186,859IBOC holding increased by 28687USD 4,186,859636USD 28,687 USD 72.82 USD 73.13
2024-11-29 (Friday)56,860IBOC holding increased by 636USD 4,158,172IBOC holding increased by 58880USD 4,158,172636USD 58,880 USD 73.13 USD 72.91
2024-11-28 (Thursday)56,224USD 4,099,292USD 4,099,2920USD 0 USD 72.91 USD 72.91
2024-11-27 (Wednesday)56,224USD 4,099,292IBOC holding decreased by -54537USD 4,099,2920USD -54,537 USD 72.91 USD 73.88
2024-11-26 (Tuesday)56,224IBOC holding increased by 175USD 4,153,829IBOC holding decreased by -56011USD 4,153,829175USD -56,011 USD 73.88 USD 75.11
2024-11-25 (Monday)56,049IBOC holding increased by 5247USD 4,209,840IBOC holding increased by 480973USD 4,209,8405,247USD 480,973 USD 75.11 USD 73.4
2024-11-22 (Friday)50,802IBOC holding increased by 159USD 3,728,867IBOC holding increased by 99790USD 3,728,867159USD 99,790 USD 73.4 USD 71.66
2024-11-21 (Thursday)50,643IBOC holding decreased by -928USD 3,629,077IBOC holding increased by 24264USD 3,629,077-928USD 24,264 USD 71.66 USD 69.9
2024-11-20 (Wednesday)51,571IBOC holding increased by 972USD 3,604,813IBOC holding increased by 29488USD 3,604,813972USD 29,488 USD 69.9 USD 70.66
2024-11-19 (Tuesday)50,599IBOC holding increased by 162USD 3,575,325IBOC holding increased by 3377USD 3,575,325162USD 3,377 USD 70.66 USD 70.82
2024-11-18 (Monday)50,437IBOC holding increased by 4212USD 3,571,948IBOC holding increased by 250682USD 3,571,9484,212USD 250,682 USD 70.82 USD 71.85
2024-11-12 (Tuesday)46,225IBOC holding increased by 1896USD 3,321,266IBOC holding increased by 169474USD 3,321,2661,896USD 169,474 USD 71.85 USD 71.1
2024-11-08 (Friday)44,329IBOC holding increased by 2916USD 3,151,792IBOC holding increased by 254539USD 3,151,7922,916USD 254,539 USD 71.1 USD 69.96
2024-11-07 (Thursday)41,413IBOC holding decreased by -11356USD 2,897,253IBOC holding decreased by -929555USD 2,897,253-11,356USD -929,555 USD 69.96 USD 72.52
2024-11-06 (Wednesday)52,769IBOC holding increased by 6156USD 3,826,808IBOC holding increased by 894850USD 3,826,8086,156USD 894,850 USD 72.52 USD 62.9
2024-11-05 (Tuesday)46,613IBOC holding increased by 162USD 2,931,958IBOC holding increased by 68718USD 2,931,958162USD 68,718 USD 62.9 USD 61.64
2024-11-04 (Monday)46,451IBOC holding increased by 1458USD 2,863,240IBOC holding increased by 81323USD 2,863,2401,458USD 81,323 USD 61.64 USD 61.83
2024-11-01 (Friday)44,993IBOC holding increased by 15939USD 2,781,917IBOC holding increased by 1002069USD 2,781,91715,939USD 1,002,069 USD 61.83 USD 61.26
2024-10-31 (Thursday)29,054IBOC holding increased by 1288USD 1,779,848IBOC holding increased by 26703USD 1,779,8481,288USD 26,703 USD 61.26 USD 63.14
2024-10-30 (Wednesday)27,766IBOC holding increased by 966USD 1,753,145IBOC holding increased by 89937USD 1,753,145966USD 89,937 USD 63.14 USD 62.06
2024-10-29 (Tuesday)26,800IBOC holding increased by 2419USD 1,663,208IBOC holding increased by 134275USD 1,663,2082,419USD 134,275 USD 62.06 USD 62.71
2024-10-28 (Monday)24,381USD 1,528,933IBOC holding increased by 46324USD 1,528,9330USD 46,324 USD 62.71 USD 60.81
2024-10-25 (Friday)24,381USD 1,482,609IBOC holding decreased by -21455USD 1,482,6090USD -21,455 USD 60.81 USD 61.69
2024-10-24 (Thursday)24,381IBOC holding increased by 790USD 1,504,064IBOC holding increased by 32929USD 1,504,064790USD 32,929 USD 61.69 USD 62.36
2024-10-23 (Wednesday)23,591IBOC holding increased by 474USD 1,471,135IBOC holding increased by 19850USD 1,471,135474USD 19,850 USD 62.36 USD 62.78
2024-10-22 (Tuesday)23,117USD 1,451,285IBOC holding increased by 17800USD 1,451,2850USD 17,800 USD 62.78 USD 62.01
2024-10-21 (Monday)23,117USD 1,433,485IBOC holding decreased by -55712USD 1,433,4850USD -55,712 USD 62.01 USD 64.42
2024-10-18 (Friday)23,117USD 1,489,197USD 1,489,197
Share price and value of shares held is calculated on the adjusted close price of each day (row). Changes between days reflect the gain/loss of the portfolio as a result of changes in the adjusted close price and changes in the holdings

Share Trades of IBOC by Blackrock for IE000ZPUEP93

Show aggregate share trades of IBOC

DateActionQuantityMarket HighMarket LowLikely Trade PriceLikely Trade Value (Profit/Loss)
2024-12-10BUY318 70.500*
2024-12-09BUY159 70.700*
2024-12-06BUY159 71.950*
2024-12-05BUY477 71.710*
2024-12-03BUY318 72.070*
2024-12-02BUY636 72.820*
2024-11-29BUY636 73.130*
2024-11-26BUY175 73.880*
2024-11-25BUY5,247 75.110*
2024-11-22BUY159 73.400*
2024-11-21SELL-928 71.660*
2024-11-20BUY972 69.900*
2024-11-19BUY162 70.660*
2024-11-18BUY4,212 70.820*
2024-11-12BUY1,896 71.850*
2024-11-08BUY2,916 71.100*
2024-11-07SELL-11,356 69.960*
2024-11-06BUY6,156 72.520*
2024-11-05BUY162 62.900*
2024-11-04BUY1,458 61.640*
2024-11-01BUY15,939 61.830*
2024-10-31BUY1,288 61.260*
2024-10-30BUY966 63.140*
2024-10-29BUY2,419 62.060*
2024-10-24BUY790 61.690*
2024-10-23BUY474 62.360*
Market high and low price is on the date.

* (if shown) = market close price used not a projected price. This is used when we do not have market data available to calculate a projection

The likely trade price/value is our estimate on the likely price the trade took place at and is not the actual trade price. The likely LOSS/GAIN is our estimate. Where a profit/loss value is shown this is derived from matching trades between periods eg the most recent previous BUY is matched with the SELL and the difference between the likely BUY price and likely SELL price is calculated

Shorting History of IBOC

DateShorted VolumeShort Exempt VolumeTotal Shares Traded% Shorted

The data here is derived from FINRA daily shorted trade data. The Daily Short Sale Volume is the total volume of short trades that meet certain criteria on each trade date by 6 PM ET on the trade date. The detail trade data is derived from the monthly shorted trade data which will differ in aggregate. The detail trade data is derived from the transaction level data and includes ALL trades (including exempt) and the aggregation period extends beyond 6pm.

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