Portfolio Holdings Detail for ISIN IE000ZPUEP93
Stock NameISHARES SP B $ D
ETF TickerBNKT(USD) Euronext Amsterdam

Holdings detail for PB

Stock NameProsperity Bancshares Inc

Show aggregate PB holdings

DateNumber of PB Shares HeldBase Market Value of PB SharesLocal Market Value of PB SharesChange in PB Shares HeldChange in PB Base ValueCurrent Price per PB Share HeldPrevious Price per PB Share Held
2024-12-10 (Tuesday)106,000PB holding increased by 572USD 8,611,440PB holding increased by 84423USD 8,611,440572USD 84,423 USD 81.24 USD 80.88
2024-12-09 (Monday)105,428PB holding increased by 286USD 8,527,017PB holding decreased by -87267USD 8,527,017286USD -87,267 USD 80.88 USD 81.93
2024-12-06 (Friday)105,142PB holding increased by 286USD 8,614,284PB holding decreased by -1734USD 8,614,284286USD -1,734 USD 81.93 USD 82.17
2024-12-05 (Thursday)104,856PB holding increased by 858USD 8,616,018PB holding decreased by -55335USD 8,616,018858USD -55,335 USD 82.17 USD 83.38
2024-12-04 (Wednesday)103,998USD 8,671,353PB holding increased by 4160USD 8,671,3530USD 4,160 USD 83.38 USD 83.34
2024-12-03 (Tuesday)103,998PB holding increased by 1574USD 8,667,193PB holding increased by 93280USD 8,667,1931,574USD 93,280 USD 83.34 USD 83.71
2024-12-02 (Monday)102,424PB holding increased by 1136USD 8,573,913PB holding increased by 93069USD 8,573,9131,136USD 93,069 USD 83.71 USD 83.73
2024-11-29 (Friday)101,288PB holding increased by 1136USD 8,480,844PB holding increased by 51050USD 8,480,8441,136USD 51,050 USD 83.73 USD 84.17
2024-11-28 (Thursday)100,152USD 8,429,794USD 8,429,7940USD 0 USD 84.17 USD 84.17
2024-11-27 (Wednesday)100,152USD 8,429,794PB holding decreased by -56085USD 8,429,7940USD -56,085 USD 84.17 USD 84.73
2024-11-26 (Tuesday)100,152PB holding increased by 311USD 8,485,879PB holding decreased by -7595USD 8,485,879311USD -7,595 USD 84.73 USD 85.07
2024-11-25 (Monday)99,841PB holding increased by 9339USD 8,493,474PB holding increased by 864155USD 8,493,4749,339USD 864,155 USD 85.07 USD 84.3
2024-11-22 (Friday)90,502PB holding increased by 283USD 7,629,319PB holding increased by 200687USD 7,629,319283USD 200,687 USD 84.3 USD 82.34
2024-11-21 (Thursday)90,219PB holding decreased by -2655USD 7,428,632PB holding decreased by -159174USD 7,428,632-2,655USD -159,174 USD 82.34 USD 81.7
2024-11-20 (Wednesday)92,874PB holding increased by 1752USD 7,587,806PB holding increased by 131293USD 7,587,8061,752USD 131,293 USD 81.7 USD 81.83
2024-11-19 (Tuesday)91,122PB holding increased by 292USD 7,456,513PB holding decreased by -28787USD 7,456,513292USD -28,787 USD 81.83 USD 82.41
2024-11-18 (Monday)90,830PB holding increased by 9990USD 7,485,300PB holding increased by 776388USD 7,485,3009,990USD 776,388 USD 82.41 USD 82.99
2024-11-12 (Tuesday)80,840PB holding decreased by -60USD 6,708,912PB holding increased by 229631USD 6,708,912-60USD 229,631 USD 82.99 USD 80.09
2024-11-08 (Friday)80,900PB holding increased by 5310USD 6,479,281PB holding increased by 520521USD 6,479,2815,310USD 520,521 USD 80.09 USD 78.83
2024-11-07 (Thursday)75,590PB holding decreased by -16479USD 5,958,760PB holding decreased by -1487781USD 5,958,760-16,479USD -1,487,781 USD 78.83 USD 80.88
2024-11-06 (Wednesday)92,069PB holding increased by 5685USD 7,446,541PB holding increased by 1063627USD 7,446,5415,685USD 1,063,627 USD 80.88 USD 73.89
2024-11-05 (Tuesday)86,384PB holding increased by 300USD 6,382,914PB holding increased by 124607USD 6,382,914300USD 124,607 USD 73.89 USD 72.7
2024-11-04 (Monday)86,084PB holding increased by 2691USD 6,258,307PB holding increased by 164780USD 6,258,3072,691USD 164,780 USD 72.7 USD 73.07
2024-11-01 (Friday)83,393PB holding increased by 32067USD 6,093,527PB holding increased by 2336464USD 6,093,52732,067USD 2,336,464 USD 73.07 USD 73.2
2024-10-31 (Thursday)51,326PB holding increased by 2272USD 3,757,063PB holding increased by 116766USD 3,757,0632,272USD 116,766 USD 73.2 USD 74.21
2024-10-30 (Wednesday)49,054PB holding increased by 1704USD 3,640,297PB holding increased by 171909USD 3,640,2971,704USD 171,909 USD 74.21 USD 73.25
2024-10-29 (Tuesday)47,350PB holding increased by 3679USD 3,468,388PB holding increased by 232367USD 3,468,3883,679USD 232,367 USD 73.25 USD 74.1
2024-10-28 (Monday)43,671USD 3,236,021PB holding increased by 80355USD 3,236,0210USD 80,355 USD 74.1 USD 72.26
2024-10-25 (Friday)43,671USD 3,155,666PB holding decreased by -55463USD 3,155,6660USD -55,463 USD 72.26 USD 73.53
2024-10-24 (Thursday)43,671PB holding increased by 1415USD 3,211,129PB holding increased by 112919USD 3,211,1291,415USD 112,919 USD 73.53 USD 73.32
2024-10-23 (Wednesday)42,256PB holding increased by 849USD 3,098,210PB holding increased by 92890USD 3,098,210849USD 92,890 USD 73.32 USD 72.58
2024-10-22 (Tuesday)41,407USD 3,005,320PB holding increased by 51345USD 3,005,3200USD 51,345 USD 72.58 USD 71.34
2024-10-21 (Monday)41,407USD 2,953,975PB holding decreased by -67908USD 2,953,9750USD -67,908 USD 71.34 USD 72.98
2024-10-18 (Friday)41,407USD 3,021,883USD 3,021,883
Share price and value of shares held is calculated on the adjusted close price of each day (row). Changes between days reflect the gain/loss of the portfolio as a result of changes in the adjusted close price and changes in the holdings

Share Trades of PB by Blackrock for IE000ZPUEP93

Show aggregate share trades of PB

DateActionQuantityMarket HighMarket LowLikely Trade PriceLikely Trade Value (Profit/Loss)
2024-12-10BUY572 81.240*
2024-12-09BUY286 80.880*
2024-12-06BUY286 81.930*
2024-12-05BUY858 82.170*
2024-12-03BUY1,574 83.340*
2024-12-02BUY1,136 83.710*
2024-11-29BUY1,136 83.730*
2024-11-26BUY311 84.730*
2024-11-25BUY9,339 85.070*
2024-11-22BUY283 84.300*
2024-11-21SELL-2,655 82.340*
2024-11-20BUY1,752 81.700*
2024-11-19BUY292 81.830*
2024-11-18BUY9,990 82.410*
2024-11-12SELL-60 82.990*
2024-11-08BUY5,310 80.090*
2024-11-07SELL-16,479 78.830*
2024-11-06BUY5,685 80.880*
2024-11-05BUY300 73.890*
2024-11-04BUY2,691 72.700*
2024-11-01BUY32,067 73.070*
2024-10-31BUY2,272 73.200*
2024-10-30BUY1,704 74.210*
2024-10-29BUY3,679 73.250*
2024-10-24BUY1,415 73.530*
2024-10-23BUY849 73.320*
Market high and low price is on the date.

* (if shown) = market close price used not a projected price. This is used when we do not have market data available to calculate a projection

The likely trade price/value is our estimate on the likely price the trade took place at and is not the actual trade price. The likely LOSS/GAIN is our estimate. Where a profit/loss value is shown this is derived from matching trades between periods eg the most recent previous BUY is matched with the SELL and the difference between the likely BUY price and likely SELL price is calculated

Shorting History of PB

DateShorted VolumeShort Exempt VolumeTotal Shares Traded% Shorted

The data here is derived from FINRA daily shorted trade data. The Daily Short Sale Volume is the total volume of short trades that meet certain criteria on each trade date by 6 PM ET on the trade date. The detail trade data is derived from the monthly shorted trade data which will differ in aggregate. The detail trade data is derived from the transaction level data and includes ALL trades (including exempt) and the aggregation period extends beyond 6pm.

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