Portfolio Holdings Detail for ISIN IE000ZPUEP93
Stock NameISHARES SP B $ D
ETF TickerBNKT(USD) Euronext Amsterdam

Holdings detail for VLY

Stock NameValley National Bancorp

Show aggregate VLY holdings

DateNumber of VLY Shares HeldBase Market Value of VLY SharesLocal Market Value of VLY SharesChange in VLY Shares HeldChange in VLY Base ValueCurrent Price per VLY Share HeldPrevious Price per VLY Share Held
2024-12-10 (Tuesday)515,976VLY holding increased by 2794USD 5,350,671VLY holding increased by 18710USD 5,350,6712,794USD 18,710 USD 10.37 USD 10.39
2024-12-09 (Monday)513,182VLY holding increased by 1397USD 5,331,961VLY holding decreased by -46899USD 5,331,9611,397USD -46,899 USD 10.39 USD 10.51
2024-12-06 (Friday)511,785VLY holding increased by 1397USD 5,378,860VLY holding increased by 60617USD 5,378,8601,397USD 60,617 USD 10.51 USD 10.42
2024-12-05 (Thursday)510,388VLY holding increased by 4191USD 5,318,243VLY holding increased by 13298USD 5,318,2434,191USD 13,298 USD 10.42 USD 10.48
2024-12-04 (Wednesday)506,197USD 5,304,945VLY holding increased by 50620USD 5,304,9450USD 50,620 USD 10.48 USD 10.38
2024-12-03 (Tuesday)506,197VLY holding increased by 2792USD 5,254,325VLY holding decreased by -56598USD 5,254,3252,792USD -56,598 USD 10.38 USD 10.55
2024-12-02 (Monday)503,405VLY holding increased by 5584USD 5,310,923VLY holding increased by 14108USD 5,310,9235,584USD 14,108 USD 10.55 USD 10.64
2024-11-29 (Friday)497,821VLY holding increased by 5584USD 5,296,815VLY holding increased by 39724USD 5,296,8155,584USD 39,724 USD 10.64 USD 10.68
2024-11-28 (Thursday)492,237USD 5,257,091USD 5,257,0910USD 0 USD 10.68 USD 10.68
2024-11-27 (Wednesday)492,237USD 5,257,091VLY holding decreased by -4923USD 5,257,0910USD -4,923 USD 10.68 USD 10.69
2024-11-26 (Tuesday)492,237VLY holding increased by 1539USD 5,262,014VLY holding decreased by -27710USD 5,262,0141,539USD -27,710 USD 10.69 USD 10.78
2024-11-25 (Monday)490,698VLY holding increased by 45969USD 5,289,724VLY holding increased by 593386USD 5,289,72445,969USD 593,386 USD 10.78 USD 10.56
2024-11-22 (Friday)444,729VLY holding increased by 1393USD 4,696,338VLY holding increased by 152144USD 4,696,3381,393USD 152,144 USD 10.56 USD 10.25
2024-11-21 (Thursday)443,336USD 4,544,194VLY holding increased by 44334USD 4,544,1940USD 44,334 USD 10.25 USD 10.15
2024-11-20 (Wednesday)443,336VLY holding increased by 8382USD 4,499,860VLY holding increased by 67679USD 4,499,8608,382USD 67,679 USD 10.15 USD 10.19
2024-11-19 (Tuesday)434,954VLY holding increased by 1397USD 4,432,181VLY holding decreased by -3107USD 4,432,1811,397USD -3,107 USD 10.19 USD 10.23
2024-11-18 (Monday)433,557VLY holding increased by 36953USD 4,435,288VLY holding increased by 413723USD 4,435,28836,953USD 413,723 USD 10.23 USD 10.14
2024-11-12 (Tuesday)396,604VLY holding increased by 43361USD 4,021,565VLY holding increased by 503265USD 4,021,56543,361USD 503,265 USD 10.14 USD 9.96
2024-11-08 (Friday)353,243VLY holding increased by 23238USD 3,518,300VLY holding increased by 201750USD 3,518,30023,238USD 201,750 USD 9.96 USD 10.05
2024-11-07 (Thursday)330,005VLY holding decreased by -90922USD 3,316,550VLY holding decreased by -1111602USD 3,316,550-90,922USD -1,111,602 USD 10.05 USD 10.52
2024-11-06 (Wednesday)420,927VLY holding increased by 49172USD 4,428,152VLY holding increased by 889044USD 4,428,15249,172USD 889,044 USD 10.52 USD 9.52
2024-11-05 (Tuesday)371,755VLY holding increased by 1294USD 3,539,108VLY holding increased by 71593USD 3,539,1081,294USD 71,593 USD 9.52 USD 9.36
2024-11-04 (Monday)370,461VLY holding increased by 11646USD 3,467,515VLY holding increased by 87478USD 3,467,51511,646USD 87,478 USD 9.36 USD 9.42
2024-11-01 (Friday)358,815VLY holding increased by 127215USD 3,380,037VLY holding increased by 1186785USD 3,380,037127,215USD 1,186,785 USD 9.42 USD 9.47
2024-10-31 (Thursday)231,600VLY holding increased by 10272USD 2,193,252VLY holding increased by 48584USD 2,193,25210,272USD 48,584 USD 9.47 USD 9.69
2024-10-30 (Wednesday)221,328VLY holding increased by 7698USD 2,144,668VLY holding increased by 98093USD 2,144,6687,698USD 98,093 USD 9.69 USD 9.58
2024-10-29 (Tuesday)213,630VLY holding increased by 18662USD 2,046,575VLY holding increased by 184631USD 2,046,57518,662USD 184,631 USD 9.58 USD 9.55
2024-10-28 (Monday)194,968USD 1,861,944VLY holding increased by 54591USD 1,861,9440USD 54,591 USD 9.55 USD 9.27
2024-10-25 (Friday)194,968USD 1,807,353VLY holding decreased by -64340USD 1,807,3530USD -64,340 USD 9.27 USD 9.6
2024-10-24 (Thursday)194,968VLY holding increased by 6330USD 1,871,693VLY holding increased by 151314USD 1,871,6936,330USD 151,314 USD 9.6 USD 9.12
2024-10-23 (Wednesday)188,638VLY holding increased by 3798USD 1,720,379VLY holding increased by 58667USD 1,720,3793,798USD 58,667 USD 9.12 USD 8.99
2024-10-22 (Tuesday)184,840USD 1,661,712VLY holding increased by 9242USD 1,661,7120USD 9,242 USD 8.99 USD 8.94
2024-10-21 (Monday)184,840USD 1,652,470VLY holding decreased by -81329USD 1,652,4700USD -81,329 USD 8.94 USD 9.38
2024-10-18 (Friday)184,840USD 1,733,799USD 1,733,799
Share price and value of shares held is calculated on the adjusted close price of each day (row). Changes between days reflect the gain/loss of the portfolio as a result of changes in the adjusted close price and changes in the holdings

Share Trades of VLY by Blackrock for IE000ZPUEP93

Show aggregate share trades of VLY

DateActionQuantityMarket HighMarket LowLikely Trade PriceLikely Trade Value (Profit/Loss)
2024-12-10BUY2,794 10.370*
2024-12-09BUY1,397 10.390*
2024-12-06BUY1,397 10.510*
2024-12-05BUY4,191 10.420*
2024-12-03BUY2,792 10.380*
2024-12-02BUY5,584 10.550*
2024-11-29BUY5,584 10.640*
2024-11-26BUY1,539 10.690*
2024-11-25BUY45,969 10.780*
2024-11-22BUY1,393 10.560*
2024-11-20BUY8,382 10.150*
2024-11-19BUY1,397 10.190*
2024-11-18BUY36,953 10.230*
2024-11-12BUY43,361 10.140*
2024-11-08BUY23,238 9.960*
2024-11-07SELL-90,922 10.050*
2024-11-06BUY49,172 10.520*
2024-11-05BUY1,294 9.520*
2024-11-04BUY11,646 9.360*
2024-11-01BUY127,215 9.420*
2024-10-31BUY10,272 9.470*
2024-10-30BUY7,698 9.690*
2024-10-29BUY18,662 9.580*
2024-10-24BUY6,330 9.600*
2024-10-23BUY3,798 9.120*
Market high and low price is on the date.

* (if shown) = market close price used not a projected price. This is used when we do not have market data available to calculate a projection

The likely trade price/value is our estimate on the likely price the trade took place at and is not the actual trade price. The likely LOSS/GAIN is our estimate. Where a profit/loss value is shown this is derived from matching trades between periods eg the most recent previous BUY is matched with the SELL and the difference between the likely BUY price and likely SELL price is calculated

Shorting History of VLY

DateShorted VolumeShort Exempt VolumeTotal Shares Traded% Shorted

The data here is derived from FINRA daily shorted trade data. The Daily Short Sale Volume is the total volume of short trades that meet certain criteria on each trade date by 6 PM ET on the trade date. The detail trade data is derived from the monthly shorted trade data which will differ in aggregate. The detail trade data is derived from the transaction level data and includes ALL trades (including exempt) and the aggregation period extends beyond 6pm.

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